On Sun, 09 Dec 2001 14:04:07 -0400, L.D. Best wrote:

> On Sun, 09 Dec 2001 10:29:17 +0100 (CET), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Menedetter) 
> wrote:
> <snip>

>> M$ does what it thinks the people want, and they pretty much are correct.
>> They would sell dog sh*t as long people would buy it.

> However, I must disagree with the foregoing.

> M$ does *not* provide what "the people want"; M$ decides what the people
> should want, and then spends and spends [an advertising budget bigger
> than IBM's R&D allocations] to make certain that the people want what M$
> wants the people to want.

> If JC's daddy could find an endless source of dog shit, and if his serfs
> could figure out how to store it, ship it, etc., and his brainwashing
> experts could come up with a marketing plan, then M$ would do its best
> to have people standing in line outside stores -- eager to get their own
> box of M$ dog shit on the official day of release.

> Microsoft did not "earn" market share through producing decent software
> that people used and recommended to others.  Microsoft bought the
> market, bought PC magazine reviews with advertsing money, etc etc etc.
> If the software had been competitive and honestly better than what was
> available, then that would have been fair.  But M$ software has never
> been "better"; it has only been advertised better and shoved down the
> throats of computer users better.

I agree 100% and without the smallest reservation. ;-)

> l.d.

> P.S.  Reference above to "JC's daddy" is not blasthemy on my part; BG
> actually did name his first born J.C. -- Jennifer Cathline -- and I
> think it wasn't an accident.

Here, I have to say I think you are probably correct also. 

Just thought I'd drop in before the war starts. <G>

-  Clarence Verge.
-- Using Arachne 1.66 on DSL.

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