On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Frits Westra wrote:

> Thanks for your replies, Philipp, and Roger.

> The problem is that I moderate two mailing lists at Yahoo
> Groups. I need to be able to sing-in at the Yahoo Groups Center.
> Until recently this was no problem using the latest Arachne
> version. Now it seems impossible because an https:// string is
> generated when I use the sign-in box.

> Any other ideas would be appreciated.


We have discovered a way to still use these YahooGroups...(don't
blame me...McCorkle is the javascript-editing expert...<g g g>...)..

1.  Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/ .....select "Sign In" ...this will
take you to http://login.yahoo.com/ ....

2.  Hit F4 to edit page source....

3.  Hit F7 to get the "Search" text box...enter "https" and hit ENTER..

4.  At the first "search hit" change "https" to "http"...then F7 and
ENTER, again...

5.  At this second "search hit" again change "https" to "http"...there
are only two "https" in this page source..

6.  Hit F2...and you will have the Signin Page displayed, again...

7.  Enter your Username and Password...and click "Submit"...and
voila..!!!!!....you will be signed in...AND...will receive a NEW
cookie...so...then...just NEVER sign out again...and you will always
be able to go to your MyYahoo and MyYahooGroups, etc.....<g g g>


-- This mail was written by user of Arachne, the Ultimate Internet Client

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