On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 14:59:29 +0000, Steven, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

>> BTW, I wish someone would write a book on "Linux for Dummies"
>> that would be just as easy to understand and just as informative
>> as the dummies' books for DOS and Windows.

> It's already been done.  As well as "Linux for Idiots" and
> "Teach Yourself Linux" and "Linux in 30 days" (or something
> like that) and on and on.

I already have the one entitled "Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours"
from SAMS publishing.  This is the one which comes with the
Caldera Systems OpenLinux CD-ROM.  This is the one that tells you
how to install Linux from Windows 95.

> If I can find half a dozen books
> for Linux newbies in the public library of a small city
> (30,000 people) in New Zealand, then surely you must be
> able to get them.

30,000 people?  Small city?  That's a huge metropolis by Shenandoah
Valley standards.  The closest town to me is 12 miles away and it
has a population of about 3,000.  We have a very tiny public library
which is supported by the county government.  You are living in a
highly developed modern community.  Contrary to popular opinion
abroad, there are vast regions in the US which have a very depressed
economy, and also very high illiteracy rates, especially in the
general region known as Appalachia where I live.  In all of New
Zealand industry and commerce is growing and booming according to
the news I hear.

All the best,

Sam Heywood
-- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser - http://arachne.cz/

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