Ray Wrote:

>  At any given time I have three bootable copies of W98 on my
>  machine, spread over two different disks: one is for testing new software,
>  the second is for tested and aproved software, and the third is a backup of
>  the second.  Naturaly, BG made it difficult to either backup or restore
>  from/to a running copy of windows, but by having a third copy, I can always
>  insure that a trouble free backup of can be made between the other two.  

I am about to enter this horrible dilemma, with a recent survpc that has
windows 95. Short of a backup after installing any new software, I wonder
what reasonable criteria would be for a reliable, working home-made or 
store bought de-installer would be:

        o Find and store changes to registry, win.ini, and system.in
        o Find and track changes to shared files in common directories,e.g.,
          windows, windows/system etc.

Would that suffice to restore a working windows? I have heard so many stories
of junk accumulating slowly in, for instance, the registry, and at some
break point -- only a complete clean reinstall will reproduce sanity.

Howard Schwartz
     howardbschwartz "at" california.com

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