On Fri, 17 May 2002 03:28:18 +0100GMT, Laurie L Proud wrote:

> For starters I have run "speedcheck" as supplied with 1.7r3 from the
> Arachne directory on the harddisk with the normal configuration for
> this internet machine:

> Apricot LS Pro 486DX-4 100Mhz 36Mb of total RAM and W95  (:-()
> with a 5Mb ramdisk in extended memory.

> Total time = 21 seconds

> Copying "speedcheck" into the ramdrive and running it gives an
> identical time.

> I therefore don't seem to be able to get this DX4 out of 2nd gear !

FIRST gear ! ;-)

Using Sam's 33Mhz '386 mark of 11 secs on the ramdisk (PCDOS 3.3) YOU
should be able to achieve better than *4* seconds !

First thing to do: Get rid of Win95. <G>
But maybe you should test first by booting to another OS from a floppy.

- Clarence Verge
- Back to using Arachne V1.62 ....

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