Speaking of wanting CC cards, 10 pages of marketing info. about you,
and similar got'you gimmicks to get free stuff: I recently downloaded
a very small compact alternative to, and compliant with, MS Office substitute
(602Pro) that had been sending me ads for a while.

Imagine my happiness when I tried to start the software to see the error

        Wont run without Internet Explorer 4 or greater!

I know this is common, but the irony of requiring IE for an Alternate (?)
to Bill Gates's MS Office. A common marketshare grabber, is outside
vendor's software requiring, not IE per se, but one of the DLL libraries
that comes with IE for it to function. Developers, I suppose just know the
library is supposed to be included with winBlows, so why not use some of
its functions?

As we all know their is a huge segment of the software industry that uses
free or cheap as ploys to lock in markets, get and sell info. etc. Remember
the days when the internet was a bunch of college students trading text
only usenet news articles, and a few web pages you could view with lynx?

Of - I wrote 602Pro to complain, and found I could only do so by reporting
``IE required' as a bug. If you wanted to ask a question or get support,
you had to join something and pay something. What a surprise.

Howard Schwartz
     howardbschwartz "at" california.com

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