Or you could follow "The McCorkle method"....

Step 1 --- destroy instruction sheet

On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 21:02:24 -0400, L.D. Best wrote:

> Klaus,

> Please don't feel stupid!  I was so proud I bought 128Mb SmartCard
> add-in for my digital camera, but I knew from nothing so I very VERY
> carefully read the instruction book that came with the camera, and then
> I read it again, and checked the diagrams.  I then installed the card
> per instructions in the book ... with the little arrow showing when the
> card & camera were in a certain position.  But the card cover wouldn't
> close, because the card wouldn't go in all the way!  So I pushed harder
> and finally got the cover to close.  But then the camera wouldn't work
> at all, let alone get me to the point of formatting the card.  I did
> another RTFM, and yet another ... and decided I'd have to take the card
> out and see if the camera worked without it.

> Well ... I broke two fingernals, the push-extrude botton couldn't be
> made to work worth a golly gee willikers, and it finally took a good
> nail file and a pair of needlenose pliers to get that damn card out!!

> The camera worked fine. I did yet ANOTHER RTFM, and then decided to heck
> with the instructions and pictures ... turned the card over, slid it
> quite easily into the camera, turned on the camera and formatted the
> card, and awaaaaay we go.

> So, I have written a


> If it doesn't work the way they tell you it should, Turn The Mother
> Over And Try It That Way!!

> l.d.
> ====

> On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 10:59:12 -0500 (EST), Klaus Hameyer wrote:

>> Oh, how true is the addage that if all else fails, read the directions!

>> I did read the QuickStart directions, but did not plow through the
>> long PDF file till later. It EMPHASIZED that the metal strips of the
>> SmartMedia should be facing down when the metal top of the FlashPath
>> adapter is up.

>> The picture in the QuickStart instructions is correct but they
>> do NOT emphasize that one should do the counterintuitive thing.
>> Sorry to have bothered y'all.

>> The LINUX works fine also.

>> Klaus Hameyer
>> Burlington, VT (USA)

> -- Arachne V1.70;rev.3, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/


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