On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 19:38:30 -0500 (EST), Gregor Jones wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

>> The correct size of the file is 1,039,025 bytes.

>> This lets you know that if the file you got is less than that size.
>> The download is incomplete and you must do it again.

> Errr, no, you managed to confuse a lot of software by creating a gzipped
> file that had the wrong file extension on it. Seems like most software
> detected it as a gzipped file, but only some automatically gunzipped it,
> and did it without asking.

I did not create a Gzipped file.

The file on the site IS a Dos executable.


> No, Lynx is doing exactly the right thing. It detected it as a gzipped
> file and tells you and, by default, downloads it as such and labels it as
> such. But if you tell Lynx you want the .exe file than it gunzips it!


It s not a gzipped file.

> Other software just download the file as is. Netscape/Mozilla for example,
> which is also correct behviour.

> Internet explorer, however, gunzips it without telling you. As does
> Arachne. IMHO, this is not correct behaviour.

Arachne does not Gunzip it because it is not Gzipped.

Even if it we link t o file which IS Gzipped......  Arachne does not
contain any code for doing a gunzip to it.
It will save the file AS-IS.

> I also tried wget on that file, and it did do the extraction. I guess on
> the basis that ask it for the .exe file and not the gzipped version.

There is no gzipped version on the site.

Unless the Angelfire is creating it "on-the-fly".

This is the dir listing I just got while FTPed into Angelfire.

BootP: Adding Gateway number 1 IP
BootP: Adding Nameserver number 1 IP
BootP: Adding Nameserver number 2 IP
Domain asking server for node ftp.angelfire.com
220 Hello, Welcome to Angelfire FTP.
Username: id/glenndoom
331 Username set to id/glenndoom. Now enter your password.
230- Welcome to Angelfire's FTP server.
230- You can create multiple directories under
230- your homepage directory, up to 3 levels deep.
230- Images will not be automatically placed in your images directory.
230- For more info, see the FTP FAQ at
230- http://angelfire.lycos.com/doc/general/ftpupload.html
230 User '/id/glenndoom' logged on.
raftp> dir ara171ue.exe
200 Port command succeeded.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for LIST.
-rw-r--r--   1 /id/glenndoom Angelfire    1039025 Nov  5 00:10 ara171ue.exe
Transferred 77 bytes in 0 seconds (0.075 Kbytes/sec)
226 Transfer complete.

As you can plainly see.... the file is not Gzipped to 1,021,462 bytes.
It IS the Dos executable which I uploaded at 1,039,025 bytes.


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