On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 20:02:34 -0500 (EST), Gregor Jones wrote:


> Just make life easy. If you want people to download a DOS executable, make
> it a DOS executable. Simple! Don't put a gzipped file labelled as a DOS
> executable. Then all clients will be happy.

As I showed in my last mesasage.... that's what it IS.
It IS a DOS executable with a size of 1,039,025 bytes.

I never ran it through Gzip before uploading it.

I uploaded it as-is and Arachne is downloading it as-is.

ftp> dir ara171ue.exe
200 Port command succeeded.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for LIST.
-rw-r--r--   1 /id/glenndoom Angelfire    1039025 Nov  5 00:10 ara171ue.exe
Transferred 77 bytes in 0 seconds (0.075 Kbytes/sec)
226 Transfer complete.

I also uploaded testdoc.doc as-is and Arachne downloads it as-is.

When I D/L that same file with Lynx... it gets Gzipped to 5,714 bytes
instead of what's plainly on the server
(an Msword .DOC file os 23,552 bytes)

ftp> dir testdoc.doc                                                            
200 Port command succeeded.                                                     
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for LIST.                                
-rw-r--r--   1 /id/glenndoom Angelfire      23552 Nov 29 22:55 testdoc.doc      
Transferred 76 bytes in 0 seconds (0.074 Kbytes/sec)                            
226 Transfer complete.                                                          


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