Hello everyone,

After finding some electrical circuits for a microphone pre-amplifier
I have saved the HTML page and circuit .JPG image (within it) into a
seperate directory for future printing.

The other day I collected another load of Dumpsterware.  Contained
within was a HP Deskjet 500.  After a stripdown, clean and new ink
cartridge The Deskjet is ready for use with Arachne.

I want to print the pre-amp information.  I had a look in the Arachne
help files and there's no information there on how to set up a hardware
DOS printer with Arachne.

I know P "print" will output a text file ect, but that's all I have
found within Arachne regarding printing, unless I change screen
resolution to 800X600 and enable the print toolbar and find a
"Postscript" option.  What's that....

I have not had a graphics capable printer connected to this internet
machine before.  I haven't needed to concider how to print from Arachne
before today.

I am assuming I can print something useful in Arachne! Invoking P(rint)
and asking If I want a page of text only on PRN is not encourageing
when you have a cache full of HTML and schematics in .gif format.

All the windoze people just click PRINT and out it comes, the web page
and all the circuit images in the right place.  It never crossed my mind
that Arachne woulden't do the same.  I haven't noticed there isn't a
print IKN because I've never needed it until now.

This has caught me out.  After rebuilding the HP I've come to a dead
stop.  Please can someone give me some guidence please.



-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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