On Mon, 02 Dec 2002 18:30:09 -0400, Glenn McCorkle wrote:

> On Mon, 02 Dec 2002 19:21:30 +0100, Mike Millen wrote:

>> RC>This is how I just printed a web page from A171dev on my
>> RC>HP600 Deskjet.

>> RC>Pressed " * " to make the page full screen.
>> RC>Pressed Ctrl+P to make a bitmap (BMP) full page shot.
>> RC>Saved PAGE.BMP.
>> RC>I used PictureView to convert to a .JPG.
>> RC>I used Graphic Workshop for DOS to print the PAGE.JPG (it
>> RC>couldn't display the .BMP, hence my conversion to .JPG).

>> I use PRINTGF which prints bmp, jpg, dcx, etc.
> An excellent choice, Mike.

> And if you'll notice these 2 lines in the copy of mime.cfg included
> with the v1.71 package.....

> file/printbmp.dgi |[100]g:\\graphics\\printgfd\\printgfd.exe _4prt.bmp /x
> file/printjpg.dgi |[100]g:\\graphics\\printgfd\\printgfd.exe _4prt.jpg /x

> Just change it to match your directory structure. :))

Hi, I did it about the same... but use PictureView for printing as well.

However I did not know the trick with the * asterix
After _4prt.bmp is written...
press Alt E to leave Arachne
press PV to start PV.BAT to go to PictureView
do converting, printimg etc with PV
Esc to leave PV .... in the PV.BAT there is "exit" to return to ARACHNE

I had to activate "virtual screen = 2000" in arachne.cfg
^P will not run without virtual screen

**************************** I did see the two new lines and changed the
first to:
file/printbmp.dgi   |[100]C:\\pictview\\pv.exe -4prt.bmp /x

this brings me also to pictureview... BUT after leaving PV the screen
turns to black and stays that way... only Alt X does bring me back to

How to get back to Arachne?

ZBM packing and unpacking is OK... but I first had to place PKZIP and
PKUNZIP in Arachne directory.

CU Bastiaan

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