et al,

I posted the following to AQC, and, after sleeping on it, I 
thought I should post it here, also:

-------post to AQC-----------

tele....CC: glennmcc.....reference your problem 
accessing your YehawMail and then doing a POP3
download on one of your own mail accounts:
...'s worse than you thought...<g g g g>
..that's the BAD news.....and I haven't figured
out what the GOOD news is, yet.....<g g g g>
I just spent the past 3 1/2 hours checking into
this.  What I found out is as follows:

1.  It does the same thing with 1.69, 1.71preview,
and 1.71ue01, and it is NOT just a problem with
checking YehawMail and then POP3-ing...what is
actually happening is that you cannot "shell-out"
at all, after visiting that YehawMail page.  Not
NO way, not EVER.  And, it does it with all three
of the latest Arachnes.  I haven't tried it with
earlier ones, and don't intend to try.

2.  When I say that that YehawMail page does
something to lock Arachne into its own space,
I mean, you cannot ALT-E, ALT-H, ALT-X, ClearCache,
F10-ClickMyComputer, or do any other action that
will cause Arachne to try to "shell-out"...any of
these type actions locks Arachne up tight.  I
DID find that I CAN CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot, but
that does me no good, because I need to RESET
anyway to reset my COMport and modem.  

3.  You can verify what I am saying by going to
your MyYahoo page, ALT-E, exit-back-into-Arachne
and everything works fine, so far.  Now click the
"CheckMail" link and get taken to the MyYahooMail
page.  Then click the "MyYahoo" link to return to
your MyYahoo page.  Then try to ALT-E, again...
It'll lock your Arachne right up.

4.  I said that it also does it with 1.69, which
does NOT have the "https2http" spoof capability,
nor the "IgnoreJS" capability, but, I also tried
1.71ue01 with those options removed from the
ARACHNE.CFG file.  It still can't be shelled-out.
Everything I tried to do, to get into my cache and
try to delete that MyYahooMail page could NOT be
done.  Flat, Final, Period.  
Since I ALWAYS run from RAMdisk, I was losing 
that page each time I had to reboot, so I can't
say just what is in that page when it gets into
the cache, that causes Arachne to lockup when
you try to shell-out.  

I was able to F4 and look at the MyYahooMail page,
while I was on it, and I could F2 to save it,
those actions do not cause Arachne to try to
Maybe I will try to get time to set up one of
my Arachne installs to have the cache on one
of my HDDs, and then when I have to reboot,
at least I'll still have that page in the
cache....and...maybe it will still cause me
problems whenever I fireup Arachne afresh..
...It seems worth checking out, but I'm not
gonna do it, right now...It's late(early) and
I have some other things to do, and then need
to get some sleep.

followup....I DID try that "cache on HDD" and it
did save the page after I had to reboot, but the
page, viewed later thru F10, didn't cause any
...also...I thought it might just be using the
keys (i.e. ALT-H, etc) so I tried it one more
time, only this time, I did "D" to get back to
my DialUp page, then clicked the "Hangup Now"
link, and it locked up,'s the
whole Arachne environment that is getting
affected, not just the keyboard drivers, or some
such thing...

--------end post to AQC---------------

I seem to sense something similar to Christian's
reported problem.  So,

Christian, check your "Click on Drives (actually on YOUR COMPUTER)"
and check when it locks up, if it did it during any "Arachne
shell-out" operaton.

Glenn....If you need a YahooMail account to check this
against, I can send you my username and password.


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