On Wed, 04 Dec 2002 16:44:53 -0700, G J Feig wrote:

<snipped since I know all about this problem> ;-)

> Glenn....If you need a YahooMail account to check this
> against, I can send you my username and password.

I have a yeehaw mail account that I've been using to try and
diagnose this problem.

Yeehaw has changed something on their pages which is causing
the crashes and lock-ups.
(so far, I have had no luck in finding the exact cause)

My diagnosis will continue and I'll keep you informed of my progress.
(or lack thereof) <g g g g>

For now...
Do not attempt to use Arachne (any version all the way back to 1.50;src),
for either mail.yahoo.com or my.yahoo.com


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