Please zip the message and send it to me as an attachment.
I will try to figure-out what went wrong.

On Wed, 04 Dec 2002 09:56:38 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

> Did anyone here who subscribes to the SURVPC Digest notice this?

> With the latest edition of the SURVPC Digest, 2 Dec 2002 to 3 Dec
> 2002 (# 2002-246) there was an announcement posted by Steven Darnold
> telling us about his new version of BasicLinux.

> When the message is viewed within Arachne, several paragraphs of his
> announcement are missing.  They are not displayed.  When the message
> is viewed as text, everything is there.

> I have never had this problem with Arachne before.  I am using version
> 1.70r3.

> Can anyone figure out what is the problem with this message, and why
> Arachne rendered it so poorly?

> Sam Heywood
> P.S.  BTW, Steven tells us that he has recently uploaded his new
> version to his web site.  When I checked there, the version listed
> as available for download was the same last version, being 1.7.

> -- This mail was written by user of The Arachne Browser -


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