Yes, Java is indeed different from JavaScript.
java is also an operating system in its own right. However, there are only a few dozen Java PCs in the world at this time. Most of those are at Sun Microsystems. Those machines run Java directly. Being fairly small compared with Windows, the whole OS is stored on ROM. Whenever the machine is turned on, there is no waiting time for the OS to load.
Most of us don't have a Java machine, so we have to install a "Virtual Machine" first. This virtual machine - or JVM - communicates between Java and the operating system of the physical machine. JVMs are available for practically any platform, hence the portability.
Using a virtual machine introduces some problems, though: As really two operating systems are used, with the VM to translate between the two, a noticeable drop in performance can be experienced.
Technically speaking, there is really no JVM for Windows. It is really a DOS application. That's true for the Sun JVM. I have a feeling the Microsoft version may not work under DOS only systems. When installing the Sun Microsystems Java Virtual Machine, the following should be added to the autoexec.bat file:

set classpath=c:\java\lib\;


Java does NOT need Windows to run. The Sun Microsystem's JVM for DOS is a DOS-based application. Even some Windows versions work in a DOS-only environment. Having said that, I have to admit that later versions (higher than 1.1) may not work correctly on DOS-only systems. Especially later versions may be taylored to run on the newer, non-DOS based Windows (NT, 2000 and XP). So, if you download a version, try to get an old one:-) The DOS version 1.1 works fine here under DOS 6.22. All Java needs is DOS and the correct Java JRE.
Almost all Java programming is done in DOS text mode (even if Windows is the OS), and the code is compiled from the command prompt. The code is similar, but not the same, as C++ code, so C programmers will find it easier to learn. There are really no practical GUI interfaces for programming in Java. Everything, even graphics, have to be coded in a text editor of some kind before compiling. Borland JBuilder (Windows needed) makes things easier, but is still only a better text editor. For easier graphical interfaces, Osborne and Lambert's "BreezyGUI" (no Windows needed) can be very helpful for beginners.
Even though Java is said to be the fastest growing language (probably because of web applets), I can think of only two truly practical application, which is "Corel Office for Java", which includes WordPerfect, QuattroPro and a schduler. (Details:, and Lotus Kona, which includes everything MS Office does. I was able to download a copy of Corel Office for Java a couple of years ago, but the site seems to have gone. If anyone is interested, let me know.
Sun Microsystems also developed a pure Java web browser called "HotJava", which runs on any java platform below 1.2. Again, if the proper JVM is installed, Windows is not necessary to run this browser. It can handle Java (of course!) and JavaScript as well. The browser can be downloaded from
The Sun Microsystem DOS JVM is called JAVA-PC and can be downloaded from Just follow the links. It may not work very well in systems below 486, though.
I use the Java for DOS JRE 1.1 on an old 486DX66, 1MB RAM, 30MB HDD. This allows me to connect the machine to the network and thus access the Internet, using the fully graphical HotJava browser.
Another option could be to install RJ-DOS (if you can find it), which is a DOS platform which includes a JVM.
Hope this helps.
Dr. Ron
-------Original Message-------
Date: Sunday, 29 December 2002 05:55:55 AM
Subject: Re: now, DOS is JAVA
We had a discussion on the List, some time ago, and if I recall
correctly JAVA is totaly different to java-script.

Java-script is bad... not handled by Arachne

Yes, it was mentioned that JAVA is running in every operating system...
is it an operating system itself?

Who knows some more about JAVA?

CU, Bastiaan

On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 21:01:30 +0000, Ariel Lachter wrote:

> (sorry my bad english)
> Yesterday "the bad" are frames.
> Now "the bad" is java.
> I see in freebyte that make programs that run in any
> operating system with virtual java machine.
> Maybe is time to change, d.o.s ==> java.
> Who take the bull by the horn's?

> -- Arachne V1.70;rev.3, NON-COMMERCIAL copy,


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