Hi Folks,

On Sat, 25 Jan 2003 23:50:56 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I would still suggest that scientific points of debate would be better
> validated with references, rather than opinion or recollections of fact.

   For publishing a scientific paper, or for presenting a lecture,
absolutely !

   For a friendly discussion between listers, in my view not much point.
Very few of us are trained scientists, let alone published scientists,
so supporting "proofs" may vary in quality and relevence.

> But, without references for the other items, I'm left to accept those
> tidbits of science based on (uh, er, um) faith.

   Touche !   :)

> Does the word "prevailing" mean that different scientists can reach
> different conclusions based on identical scientific calculations?

    Perfectly genuine scientists can differ on interpretation of
observed facts in small or fundamental ways. At any time. On any subject.
One (sometimes more than one) explanation becomes the "prevailing"
thought on any subject until experimental, or observed, data conflicts
with it.  Then a new "prevailing" explanation(s) is developed.

   But while reported data and results fit neatly into the "prevailing"
theory/law/hypothesis, then it remains generally accepted.

> On Sat, 25 Jan 2003 19:33:22 -0500 "Samuel W. Heywood"
>> Many parents around here send their children to the private
>> Christian
>> schools instead of to the public schools because they disagree with
>> what
>> is being taught in the public schools, especially with regard to
>> science.
>> The Christian schools have developed their own kind of "science".

     There are Christians and there are Christians.  Not all (or even a
majority of) Christians have a problem with evolution.

>> They
>> call it "Creation Science".  To me, Creation Science is a religious
>> belief system based on faith, not science.

     I think you have got that exactly right, but then I am not any kind
of Christian.

     As that great theological thinker, Robert Heinlein, said: "If you
can't measure it, it ain't science !".

     My most sincere apologies to all list members I have now offended.


Ron Clarke
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