On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:22:30 +0100 (CET), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Menedetter)

> Hi Sam!

> 22 Jan 2003, "Sam Ewalt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry ... I have HUGE amounts of work for the university ...
> I'm sorry for the delay.

> SE> You keep talking about "international law" as if that was something
> SE> fixed and reliable. But I don't understand. What international law?

> In german it is "Völkerrecht" ... when translated it says international law.
> I have to admit that I'm not really interested in the details.

> some links i googled:
> http://www.univie.ac.at/intlaw/en/links.htm
> American Society of International Law: www.asil.org

Answer from the other Sam:

International Law is very well explained in an official US Army Field
Manual on the subject.  The manual explains the authority from which
International Law is derived, and how it is to be interpreted and
complied with, and how it is to be enforced.

FM 21-70, The Law of Land Warfare.  (FM is an Army acronym, stands
for "Field Manual")  This Field Manual is available to the public and
it may be downloaded from:


This Field Manual may be downloaded by Arachne in either HTML or
PDF format from the same web site.

The manual has a lot of legal information about international
agreements and accords and how they will be enforced.

All US soldiers, to include those in the reserve components, are
periodically trained from material in this manual.


Sam Heywood
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