I cannot stop war, even though I am not alone in my efforts.

There's a new CW song out there that accuses me, and others like me who
feel The Bush Dynasty War isn't the correct answer.

The song tells me to think back about how we fought oppression, how we
took up arms to create this country.

I haven't heard a song yet that said anything like "Remember that
foreign presense in our land was what we fought against"  ...

... nor have I heard anything about the last time the USA killed off 
thousands of innocent civilians and children -- Nagasaki & Hiroshima

... nor has anyone pointed out how well the USA took care of, fed,
clothed, educated and protected another defeated people with a different 
religion and different nations-within-country -- the indigenous peoples
of North America

I have never been ashamed of my country doing things out of ignorance --
no one could possibly know just how much death and destruction an atomic
bomb would generate.  Saddended at times, yes.  And I appreciate the 
fact that my country, more or less depending upon obvious & hidden 
agendas, has worked in charitable ways to attempt to at least cover the 
scars of war in other places at other times.

But I stop appreciating the people who are running our country when they
start thinking that they have the ear of God, that they are somehow 
righteously endowed with god-like knowledge and power, and that this 
country is big enough and strong enough to prove to the rest of the 
world that MIGHT MAKES RIGHT -- a concept that can never be justified.

No individual, no army, no government, no country is big enough or
strong enough to make the killing of innocents -- under the guise of
preventing possible harm to itself -- right in the eyes of the world.  



Active Duty WACR 1961-1962
Washington State NG
Active Duty US Army 1974-1978
-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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