What has "proven only that this guy/regime hasta go?"

The fact that Hussein 'killed hundreds of thousands' ??  What about the
hundreds of thousands which have died here in the USA due to neglect
rather than intent during the same period?

The fact that Hussein has CBR weapons he'll use?  What about the CBR
weapons the USA has, and who says they won't be used?  If there were no
possible scenario for use, there would be no reason to create &
stockpile ...

Sure, the Bush Dynasty has promised that we'll help those poor innocent
folk to get up on their feet, get a government (of 'our design')
started, and work to avoid starvation and deprivation ...  But how are
they going to take care of those right here in the good ol' U S of A who
are suffering from starvation & deprivation?

While the rest of the world looks on and chips in to see that no child
goes hungry, medical care is available, housing is built, jobs created
and everything done to help the people of Iraq -- who is going to be
giving the same level of care to the people of our country?

Los Angeles County estimates that there are no more than ten thousand
(10,000) homeless children on their streets ... but they're not sure
because with little or no care available, most of them remain in a
shadow world, unseen or ignored.

Genocide of minorities continues in this country ... instead of bullets,
things like isolation, prejudice, condescession, and drugs/alcohol are 
killing our indiginous populations on a daily basis, and killing younger
and younger each year.

Based upon the "get Sadam" guidelines, it would appear that there is
another regime that "hasta go!"


(I'd be in the Reserves -- there is always a need for top-level Field
Medics -- but my service connnected disability prevents it ... so now 
my battle field is the streets, blind eyes, and closed minds.)


On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 17:40:57 -0700, G J Feig wrote:

> I appreciate you, and I have respect for your opinion....but....I
> MUST disagree with you.
> I NEVER have been, and NEVER will be, "pro-war"....but...sometimes,
> it is necessary.  I have never pulled the trigger "joyfully" on any
> other human being, nor called down large munitions on other people
> ...knowing that some non-combatants would surely be injured/killed.

> In this case....all the "wait, just wait....give yakkin' more chance"
> etc, etc, ad nauseum....has proven only that this guy/regime hasta
> go...so....we get in an do the job.....

> Period...!!!

-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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