On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 14:47:43 -0600, Glenn Gilbreath Jr. wrote:

> Hello Fellow Arachnephobes!
> OK, I didn't quote the thread about HotMail, god only knows what else
> MS will do to STOP any and all alternatives.  The thing is, MS is very
> much involved with US "national security" interests at the moment.
> WinXP has been installed in numerous military computer systems, MS IE
> is the "browser of choice",


If it were true that that Micro$oft were involved with protecting
US "national security" interests, then why haven't they fixed the
security problems with Hotmail?

US military personnel are frequently not allowed to access Hotmail
while aboard ship and while visiting libraries located on military
installations where there are internet work stations available for
their use.  They are however allowed to access alternative web mail
services.  Military authorities say that there are some very serious
security issues with using Hotmail.  They say that military computers
which allow Hotmail access must be set up in some special way so as
to disable many of the so-called "features" of Window$.  Hotmail
access is allowed only at special times, and only on those computers
where the "features" have been temporily disabled by especially
trained computer security personnel.  I don't know what they do to
disable the features and I don't know which particular features need
to be disabled.  Of course for my own personal computer I have
disabled ALL of the features of Window$ simply by running

Sam Heywood
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