Greg Mayman wrote:

On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 18:13:29 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

If it were true that that Micro$oft were involved with protecting
US "national security" interests, then why haven't they fixed the
security problems with Hotmail?

Maybe the security forces want Hotmail insecure so they can access anyone's email...

Didn't I hear something on the news a month or two back about US
security wanting to access everyone's email?


Hello Greg, Sam, all:

Almost by definition, email is insecure. If someone gets between you and hotmail, reading your messages would be trivial.

OTOH, Big Brother has been steadily pouring millions (US $) into Omnivore, Carnivore, Dragon Net, DragonWare, etc. (see among there many FOIA documents posted on in hopes of being able to pick a needle (packet stream) out of a hay stack without compromising others' privacy. The thing that gets me, is that most ISPs should have the technical know-how and means to comply w/ electronic wiretap court orders w/o having to install a crappy winblows-based packet-sniffing setup like the one being thrown together for millions of (wasted tax payers') dollars...

may this reach you smiling!

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