On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 19:51:01 -0500, Sam Ewalt wrote:

> (I have a habit of composing replies while online and sometimes my
> modem will hang up without being told to, in which case Arachne still

In my case that's usually someone picking up the phone in another part
of the house.

> thinks it's online. Mail uploads then get aborted because Arachne gets
> no response from the mail server.)

Yes, that's logical.

> Happily the aborted emails are saved in the Outbox after a long delay.

That would be while Arachne is trying and retrying to call the mail
server that ain't there any more.

> Interupting this delay will make the message disappear altogether.

I was afraid of that. In future I must remember to save the message to
the outbox and upload from there.


-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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