On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 00:25:59 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time), Jeffrey Lee wrote:

> Thanks. Have you tried running !SICK at all?

Ah, I normally do that with each build and completely forgot.  I've
just run it now for you.

> On an Iyonix (600MHz ARM) 
> it reckons it's running at just over 6MHz; it would be interesting to know 
> how that compares to a PowerPC running at the same speed.

It reports that I have an 11MHz ARM3 (I'm not sure if the fact I
emulate an ARM3 makes any difference to the clock frequency report -
if I try to emulate an ARM2 my !Boot hangs or errors)

Looking through my old logs, the previous version reported 20MHz. 
Maybe it was processing data quicker previously but it certainly
didn't feel as fast!


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