On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 20:53:22 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time), Jeffrey Lee wrote:

> You can disable the file buffering code by undefining USE_FILEBUFFER in 
> arch/filecommon.c. If that doesn't work, then feel free to send me a copy 
> of your current boot sequence.

That didn't work.

> There is one thing that comes to mind - the code in arch/filecommon.c 
> assumes that temp_buf is 4 byte aligned. If that's not the case then it 
> could cause all kinds of trouble with the endian swapping code. I've 
> attached a patch that should hopefully force it to have the correct 
> alignment, see if that's any help.

That didn't work.

> It wouldn't 
> surprise me if things are horribly broken on systems where 'int' is only 
> 16 bits.

Erm, int is 16-bit here... maybe this is the issue?

I'll save my !Boot for now - it is pretty much the same as before.
I have no problem with stdint.h.


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