>Life changed here recently, new full time job starts, marrying  and
>such stuff.
>Feel free to update any of my adopted packages, or just orphan them
>that someone else can take care of them.
>Cya guys,

Is some way this might be the result of the past discussions...

Anyway, what about our iso release? tpowa didn't want to have libtool
moved before the release. Because I don't expect another new ISO based
on his work in the next days I want to push libtool and related
packages to core/extra. I know not all devs have checked their packages
for rebuilds or just not replied. All known libtool issues have been
fixed. I expect more from hidden depends after a move to core but that
wouldn't change if we keep libtool longer in testing.

opinions? can i get signoffs for libtool 2.2-2?


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