Aaron Griffin schrieb:
Thanks Eric for being on the ball. I didn't check for a new version today.

Pushed to testing.
Some important changes:
* Stock rules are not in /lib/udev/rules.d/
* /etc/udev/rules.d is still respected and should be used for non-stock rules
* Custom readme moved to /usr/share/udev. slated for removal later
(man pages are superior)
* Improved stock rules, will eventually need to clean up our Arch rules...
* Possibly others.

Please test and let me know how it goes.

Also, a x86_64 build would be nice.

Changes compared to -1:
- Fixed path: /lib/pkgconfig -> /usr/lib/pkgconfig
- Rewrote load-modules.sh:
  + Fixes http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/10972
    This adds a new resolve-modalias binary, which resolves an alias
    without resolving the dependencies (modprobe can't do that). If you
    have a device which can be used by modules A and B, blacklisting A
    will no longer result in B being blacklisted with it.
    resolve-modalias has gcc-libs as a dependency, but gcc-libs is in
    base anyway, so it shouldn't matter.
  + Adds more comprehensive messages to /var/log/everything.log
    including a reason why a module hasn't been loaded.
  + If you want to disable a device completely, you can blacklist the
    modalias to prevent all matching modules from being loaded.
  This should make rc.conf blacklisting way more intuitive.
- Fixed 80-drivers.rules: This was horribly broken, as modprobe was
  often called instead of load-modules.sh and thus blacklisting was
  completely disabled in -1,
- Add only framebuffer drivers to the framebuffer blacklist, not random
  modules containing the string 'fb'

Packages are available for i686 and x86_64 now, please sign off.

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