Hi Christian,

[2019-06-02 01:08:30 +0200] Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public:
> inspired by the last thread about moving proprietary software to
> community, our general problem of getting more people involved in Arch
> Linux and the (for me) chaotic organisation structure and hierarchy I
> would like to propose a discussion about changes.

I seem to recall we've had a similar discussion just a couple of months
ago but allow me to reiterate some key points.

First, contrary to what you keep saying, the process by which devs make
decisions is very clear: by discussing things until a consensus emerges.
In extreme cases where a consensus cannot be reached, we can take a vote
or let our leader decide, but this has never happened in the nine years
I've been a dev. To the best of my knowledge, we're all very happy with
this system and do not want to change it.

Second, our current organizational structure has served us well for many
years. What problem are you trying to solve by overhauling it? What
piece of evidence do you have that your suggestions will fix those
problems? I'm certainly going to support imposing more bureaucracy just
for the sake of bureaucracy. Again, if a certain system works for TUs,
I'm glad and I'm certainly not going to impose my views on how TUs work;
after all, that's why the TUs were made a self-governing body.



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