On 4/18/08, JJDaNiMoTh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:00:26 +0200
> Xavier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Justin Gx wrote:
> > > Alec Hussey wrote:
> > >> Hello,
> > >>
> > >> I was glad when you guys (or Jan de Groot, whichever) decided to push
> > >> the banshee alpha out to extra. However, it is missing many pretty
> > >> essential features and it now far behind the releases put out by the
> > >> banshee developers. I think that either we need to keep up or provide
> > >> two seperate versions of the package until a final release of 1.0 is
> > >> made.
> > >>
> > >
> > > Thanks for writing this - I was going to write something along the
> same
> > > lines. the Banshee in the repos is much too basic.
> > >
> >
> > Where is your PKGBUILD up-to-date and with essential features, so that
> > people interested would know what you are talking about?
> >
> This is a developer's work.
> If Jan requests his help, Justin or Alec can email him directly to his
> e-mail.
> And yours isn't the answer much appropriate, the best way would was
> 'use the out-of-date checkbox and not this mailing-list'
> /* Leave from your brain this 'patches welcome' mind. They only want
> * to help.                                                     */
> --
> JJDaNiMoTh - ArchLinux Trusted User

Current banshee version is 0.98.1 and latest is 0.98.3. Even though i dont
know i doubt the features added are that essential to cause this fuzz.
What Xavier meant to say was since you think the Archlinux package is very
basic you you propose what you compilation options you want to be added.
Thus provide a PKGBUILD containing these. Chill.

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