I'm currently running kde 4.2.4 and I haven't experienced the issues
you mentioned, have you tried start from an empty configuration
(removing $HOME/.kde4/)?

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:50 AM, Edgar
Kalkowski<em...@edgar-kalkowski.de> wrote:
> Hi list!
> I am using current KDE 4.2.4 from core and am experiencing these two little 
> things that are not really disturbing but rather annoying:
> 1) Every time I quit okular it crashes and shows a crash message. A quick 
> search of the web brought up that this was “a minor regression in kdelibs“ 
> and should be fixed by now (sorry, I don’t remember the actual site I read 
> this on). So my question is: Is anyone experiencing the same problem and has 
> a fix? Or do we really just need to wait for an update of KDE? If so: Is an 
> update planned or do we have to wait for 4.3 or 4.2.5?
> 2) Every time KDE starts up it shows (after a little while) the following 
> message in a native X dialog: “Could not start ksmserver. Check your 
> installation.” If I click on “OK” or kill the message window X restarts. A 
> web search on this one revealed nothing really helpful so now I’m just 
> leaving the message window open on an unused desktop. When doing this 
> everything seems to work normal and as expected. In fact “ps -elf | grep 
> ksmserver” reveals that the specified program is indeed running. Does anyone 
> get this error, too, and perhaps knows how to fix it?
> Thank you in advance!
> Edgar

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