On Friday 08 January 2010 10:23:20 Magnus Therning wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 12:53 PM, Baho Utot <baho-u...@columbus.rr.com> 
> > FYI
> > I was having trouble with networking several years ago and had a
> > /etc/host like yours.  I posted to usenet and the network gurus there
> > promptly busted me for that layout.
> >
> > They told me to do this instead:
> >
> > #<ip-address>   <hostname.domain.org>   <hostname>
> >                   localhost.localdomain            localhost
> >                   arch.<yourdomain>              arch
> >
> > They claim that the above conforms to the RFC's and reusing the
> > address can confuse some apps.
> >
> > I have been using the above and it has always worked, no busted apps.
> I think this comes close to what Debian does, I've kept my /etc/hosts
> file since I ran Debian and it looks like this:
> #<ip-address> <hostname.domain.org>   <hostname>
>             localhost
>             bryma.fq.dn bryma
> There's an explanation for it here
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-gateway.en.html#s-net-dns

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