On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Allan McRae <al...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> I do not speak for the other Arch developers, but the reason why I will not
> officially package cdrtools for Arch is you.  My impression of you is that
> you are very, very annoying and irritating.  If there was a bug report made
> about the cdrtools package in Arch, then I would have to deal with you.  I
> do not particularly want to do that, so I will not package cdrtools.  I have
> heard similar opinions expressed by developers from various other
> distributions while at Linux meetings, so I am not alone here, even though I
> might be the only one blunt enough to say it directly.

I agree. Deficient upstream is a completely valid reason for excluding
things. i.e. Ion3

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