Alex Ferrando <> on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 15:43:05 +0100:
> On 03/12/11 14:36, Christian Hesse wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> > I would like to replace xz 5.0.3-1 with xz-git 20111203-1. I added
> >
> > provides([...] 'xz')
> >
> > to the PKGBUILD, but the dependencies for libarchive (requires xz>=5.0.0)
> > are not met. Any chance I can fix that?
> Use provides(xz=5.0.0), more info on [1]
> [1]=

Uh, I tried with '>' and '>='... Thanks a lot, works like a charm!
Schoene Gruesse

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