On Saturday 07 January 2012 13:59:40 Alex Ferrando wrote:
> On 07/01/12 14:55, Peter Nikolic wrote:
> > Hi folks .
> > 
> > Right  i am having  3 problems most likely all silly but too long out of
> > hacking so rusty as hell
> > 
> > on startup of KDM i get the following
> > Warning cannot open ConsoleKit Session: Unable to open session :Failed to
> > connect /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket : no such directory
>      Are you running dbus?

Hi .

Well ps uax says /usr/bin/dbus-launch and  /usr/bin/dbus-daemon

> > But KDE seems to run ok ..
> > 
> > Next one (well two almost the same )
> > Try to start Firefox i get .
> > Symbol lookuo error :/usr/lib/libgkt-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol:
> > 9_datalist_get_data .
> > 
> > this is for the user  as root it is the same just the 9_ changes to g_
> > 
> > and same report for Gftp with the same combination i do not really want
> > to go installing huge parts of gnome if i can help it
> > 
> > the last one now  i am unable to find the en_GB  Locale file for KDE
> > i have tried "pacman -S kde-l10n-en_GB"  but just get  error not found
>      try kde-l10n-en_gb without caps

Dohhhhhhhhhhhh !   ta nuff said trashed by too many years of suse i am affraid  

> > Cheers all
> > Pete ..

Pete .

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