On Sunday 08 January 2012 08:38:23 Paul Gideon Dann wrote:
> On Sunday 08 Jan 2012 08:25:59 Peter Nikolic wrote:
> > biggest problem now is this silly new email  address book and organiser
> > think and the FAILED attempt to make them use a commom data source     ,
> > Dunno what the KDE devs were day dreaming of when they came up with that
> > one  it's a complete disgrace
> There have been a few hiccups with the changes that were required for
> shared data storage, but I agree with the KDE devs that it simply makes
> sense for things to move in that direction.  I'm very excited about things
> that are in the pipeline that are possible because these sorts of changes
> were made.
> Enjoy your KDE; it's awesome, and it's going to get awesomer :)
> Paul

Hi .

The bulk of KDE is great no problems but this mail addresbook and organizer 
thing  the main things i need is  disguting it should never have been released 
like that . 

It stops me completely getting rid of a distro i dont want around now  for the 
simple reason i must have  all of those working fully  , Am trying Claws right 
now for mail but the address book function is not good   .

It all worked a treat before this  Akaondi thing was bred   

Pete .

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