
Am 30.01.2012 13:33, schrieb Kevin Chadwick:
> I know nothing about the binary blob on arch but download the more
> upto date blob from nvidia.com for my TVs running mythbuntu,

Well, Arch is a rolling release distro and it usually takes just hours
to a few couple of days until the official releases hit the repositories ;).

Sure enough, the Arch package is up to date, so this shouldn't be a
problem. As long as you don't run a custom kernel you don't have to
worry about any kernel modules either.

Am 30.01.2012 08:47, schrieb Don deJuan:
> If anyone has any other tips/suggestions I am open to them. Thanks for
> your time.

Obviously I don't know that much about the nvidia package myself, so
unfortunately there isn't much I can tell you. When running into the
already mentioned problems with the closed source driver, I was pointed
to [1], which seems to be the official place to go when running into

Just another guess: Have you tried any other distro (or even Windows for
that matter) in order to exclude any kind of hardware defect?

Best regards,
Karol Babioch

[1] http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=14

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