Am 16.08.2012 08:10, schrieb Dennis Herbrich:
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 12:53:02AM -0400, Jeremiah Dodds wrote:
>> As far as ML noise goes, that's what killfiles and client-side filters
>> are for, no? People can (or at least should be able to) configure their
>> mailreaders to mute people or topics they want to mute.
> This. This so very much.
> We're all consenting adults here. Just hit that delete button, ESC-d, Del or
> adjust your scorefile/junk filter, and enjoy a quiet evening in your very own
> bubble of comfortable reality without dissenting opinions! ;)

So you're saying that instead of fixing the problem, every user should
remove the offending posts.

The problem here are a small handful of people who start flames and
spread FUD. Banning a handful of people from the list is an easier
solution IMO. I am generally against such measures, but it seems we will
have no choice.

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