On 29/08/12||12:00, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-08-29 at 11:54 +0200, Arno Gaboury wrote:
> > I am totally lost on this issue, especially the fact that my sound card
> > is not recognized with $aplay -l
> I bet your soundcard is able to record ;), but only playing doesn't
> work. Get rid of PA, if you don't need it for something special.
> I installed
> $ pacman -Qi pulseaudio-dummy
> Name           : pulseaudio-dummy
> Version        : 1.0-1
> URL            : None
> Licenses       : BSD
> Groups         : None
> Provides       : pulseaudio
> Depends On     : None
> Optional Deps  : None
> Required By    : gnome-settings-daemon  pulseaudio-alsa
> Conflicts With : pulseaudio
> Replaces       : None
> Installed Size :   4.00 KiB
> Packager       : Unknown Packager
> Architecture   : any
> Build Date     : Sun 15 Jan 2012 01:43:53 AM CET
> Install Date   : Sun 15 Jan 2012 01:45:38 AM CET
> Install Reason : Explicitly installed
> Install Script : No
> Description    : A dummy package that pretends to provide pulseaudio.
> Regards,
> Ralf
Thank you, I will give a try, but first would like to understand the
reasons of this issue. I guess there are some errors in my systemd set
Why lscpi is not found, when pciutils package is already installed? 

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