2015-01-18 19:31 GMT+00:00 Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@rocketmail.com>:
> On Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:24:54 +0100, Damjan Georgievski wrote:
>> > After I reinstalled gcc-libs package, I can start firefox.
>> Your system might still have broken packages after those conversions
>> you were doing.
>> Use pacman {-Q --query} with
>>   -k, --check          check that package files exist (-kk for file
>> properties) to check everything.
> I would ignore "0 missing files" to stay on top of things.
> sudo pacman -Qk | grep -v "0 missing files"

Running this command I found only one package has missing 1 file:
warning: celestia-addon-sun: /tmp/gstar.jpg (No such file or directory)
celestia-addon-sun: 32 total files, 1 missing file

Reinstalling the celestia-addon-sun package doesn't solve this problem.
The message still appeares when running the command:
sudo pacman -Qk | grep -v "0 missing files"

But this is not anymore a problem regarding this thread, I think. Right?

Regards from Pal

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