On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mard...@rocketmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:24:54 +0100, Damjan Georgievski wrote:
>> > After I reinstalled gcc-libs package, I can start firefox.
>> Your system might still have broken packages after those conversions
>> you were doing.
>> Use pacman {-Q --query} with
>>   -k, --check          check that package files exist (-kk for file
>> properties) to check everything.
> I would ignore "0 missing files" to stay on top of things.
> sudo pacman -Qk | grep -v "0 missing files"

Here's another little script[1] that might help you, Pal -- it looks
at all binaries in $PATH for any missing shared libraries (it would
have caught your firefox problem, for example). Some of them are false
positives as some packages (not many) include optional binaries that
require extra libs (for instance, colord package -> colord-sane binary
can report as "bad" if you don't have package sane installed because
you don't have a scanner :) ). It may help you find more broken things
directly instead of by chance.

# Search all binaries in $PATH for missing shared libs

for BINDIR in ${PATH}; do
  BINS=$(find "${BINDIR}" -type f -printf "%p:")
  for BIN in ${BINS}; do
    ldd "${BIN}" 2>/dev/null | grep -i "not found" | cut -d ' ' -f1 | \
      xargs -I '{}' printf "${BIN},%s\n" '{}'

It prints out a CSV-type file, just change that final printf format to
your liking.


[1] wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/troyengel/scripts/master/badlibs.sh

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