> Just a call for opinions:  if you use Arch, and you wanted to choose
> and stay with a desktop environment long-term, what would you choose
> - and why?
If using standalone window-managers is an option, I've been happy with
Stump WM for almost five years now.

Runs on even my slowest machines, has great Emacs integration,
Emacs-style keybindings are amazing and allow me a very fluent workflow.
Also gives me all the screen real-estate possible, keybinds pretty
much eliminate the need for desktop icons or a panel and I think it's
crucial when most of the time you work on an 11-inch screen. You can
still bring the panel up if you ever need access to, say, a dock.

Lack of extremely active development doesn't bother me, there is nothing
that really needs to be added and if there is something you can easily
add it yourself, real-time.

Serge Hooge

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