On 8/10/20 11:00 PM, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:
>>   pacman is fully updated now, right? So if I take that list and go back and
>> try re-running the hooks -- that may be one way to fix it? Worse come to
>> worse, I'll just wipe /root and reinstall...
> Depends on the hook. Some of them use NeedsTargets, so the Exec command
> needs to receive the list of triggering files on stdin.
> Reinstalling all currently installed packages would have the same
> effect, no need to wipe anything. If you have the list of packages which
> were updated at that time, you could just update them alone.
> Otherwise it might take a bit of fiddling to ensure every hook runs
> correctly.
>>   So for my edification -- what happened was after update, the new pacman was
>> installed along with the new hooks, but since the pacman I ran the update 
>> from
>> was too old, it croaked trying to run the new hooks from the updated pacman?
>>   Will we give it a go.
> Correct.
> Again, using
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pacman-static#pinned-666894 renders
> this concern irrelevant since you'd end up running the most recent
> pacman in order to perform the update and run hooks.


  I booted, and reinstalled all 1568 files and all 28 hooks ran successfully:

# cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg
# pacman -U $(find . -type f -newermt 20190627 -printf " %f)

  Everything completed successfully, all dkms drivers rebuilt for 5.7.12, all
appears to be working fine -- except the network and the boot hangs at the
exact same place on tty1, but login is fine on tty2, sddm is started, but
there is no graphical display.

  I wonder if the network is causing the hang with boot on tty1. When I
manually try and restart the wireless card, I get:

Aug 14 00:38:46 seidr systemd[1]:
/etc/systemd/system/netctl@wlo1_wireless_skyline.service:1: Assignment outside
of section. Ignoring.
Aug 14 00:41:34 seidr systemd[1]: Starting (Re)store the netctl profile state...
Aug 14 00:41:35 seidr netctl[553]: Could not read state file
Aug 14 00:41:35 seidr systemd[1]: Finished (Re)store the netctl profile state.

  The service file is the same as it has been:

# cat /etc/systemd/system/netctl@wlo1_wireless_skyline.service
.include /usr/lib/systemd/system/netctl@.service

Description=A wpa_supplicant configuration file based wireless connection

  I have no clue what this assignment outside of section is telling me. I
haven't changed the wireless config at all. Any idea on this or the boot hang
issue? What to check?

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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