Am 15.08.20 um 09:57 schrieb David C. Rankin:
> ...
>   That is a shame. You just can't pull a videocard out of your i7 laptop to
> update for fun, and you sure can't run desktop effects in KDE without it. I'm
> not sure I understand the logic in Arch dropping the 390xx drivers relegating
> a host of laptops Quadro cards to trying to build the nvidia-390xx, the utils
> and settings package. Even following the list, I don't recall a discussion
> about the discontinuation and there was no warning on update or error on
> reinstall.

It was mentioned on arch-dev-public:

There were no maintainers that were able to test the legacy nvidia packages 
anymore, so they had to be dropped.

Unofficial binary packages are available in the disastrousaur[1] and jlk[2] 
The AUR package is mostly repackaging the upstream binaries anyways, only the 
kernel module is built from source.
So I don't think it would be too bad to install it from the AUR.




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