Em agosto 19, 2020 16:02 Manuel Reimer escreveu:

Some minutes ago I did a regular system update and after that decided to reboot. After reboot I was unable to log into my system. After fiddling a bit I rebooted to an Arch boot stick to find the following message in pacman.log:

[2020-08-19T20:42:55+0200] [ALPM] warning: /etc/pam.d/system-login installed as

The .pacnew should've been handled *before* rebooting.

As this seemed to be a candidate that may cause login problems, I deleted "system-login" and moved the ".pacnew" into place.

After reboot I'm now able to log in again...

IMHO something like this should not happen...

Maybe it's worth a note on the Arch homepage that it is important to move this pacnew into place before reboot?

This only affected you and whomever else changed system-login. It's not news
material. Also, if you're messing with PAM, you should be responsible for 
the new stuff, otherwise it'll break, like it did for you.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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