On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 19:22, Peter Simons <sim...@cryp.to> wrote:
> Hi Leif,
>  > I submitted a pull request for yesod and a number of other things:
>  > https://github.com/archhaskell/habs/pull/47. Do I also need to drop a
>  > note here for it to get noticed, or what is the preferred way of
>  > notifying about such things?
> as of now, I don't receive e-mail notifications when a pull request is opened.
> I've tried to enable that feature in Github, but I couldn't figure out how to
> do it. Notificationts seem to be enabled for repositories that my user owns,
> but 'archhaskell/habs' isn't one of them. Duh. :-(

I had that problem myself in the beginning, what I found out was that
you need to be member of a team that has access to the repo.  There is
a notice of it, but I didn't see it until long after I got help from
the github team.


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
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