On 10/20/2011 05:38 PM, Magnus Therning wrote:
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 14:29, Peter Hercek<pher...@gmail.com>  wrote:
AFAIK, exact pacman dependencies will detect all the problems when
installing a binary package. But detection and ease of you is a bit
different. I typically have a bit modified ghc itself (mostly to get
collored stderr which interleaves with stdout correctly and some other
details). So it is not uncommon I want to postpone ghc update and that means
all haskell related update. For such a case I want to ignore everything
haskell related during updates. I could put in pacman.conf only
"IngnorePkg=ghc" but then pacman will spit a ton of warnings about what
other packages cannot be updated too and whether I'm aware of it. I happened
to have sometimes my own changes to gtk2hs too. This would be another case
when I would like to postpone any haskell related update. For this e.g.
"IgnoreGroup=haskell" would be really useful. So who can use this group?
AFAIK only people who sometimes have modified haskell packages on their
systems or because of their own development want to postpone haskell updates
a bit. Well and possibly people who want to install everything haskell
related as I mentioned below.
That's a rather specialised use-case AFAIU.

The ArchHaskell team only controls the [haskell] repo, so a group
would only exist there. It's just as easy to install everything from a
single repo using the output from `pacman -Sl haskell` then. For the
use-case of installing all Haskell packages a group only be worthwhile
if it existed in the official Arch repos as well.

Correct, it does not make sense if the group is not defined in extra/community too. It might be that I'm the only one who would have a use for it. Maybe other users do not need to postpone updates. In such a case the proposal is of course "dead on arrival" :-D

We will see whether anybody else responds. Especially the maintainers of haskell packages in extra/community.


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