2011/12/20 Magnus Therning <mag...@therning.org>

> Den 20 dec 2011 04:58 skrev "Bernardo Barros" <bernardobarr...@gmail.com>:
> > Arch is not a testing distro... And it's not even up to date with
> > Haskell Platform. If you want to "go faster them haskell platform" you
> > will need to work hard with packaging testing and this seems NOT the
> > case with Arch at the moment...
> I don't think it's quite that easy.  AFAIU we'll soon have a choice to
> make, either stick to HP with an old version of GHC, or move to the latest
> stable GHC (7.4) and drop HP proper.
> Personally, I'm in favour of the latter.
> /M
*From Arch Linux About page:*
Arch strives to stay bleeding edge, and typically offers the latest stable
versions of most software. [...]
Arch Linux uses a "rolling release" system which allows one-time
installation and perpetual software upgrades.
... and many other interesting feautres that made me love this distribution.

Haskell Platform is not bleeding edge, it seems to follow a "old versions
are more stable" approach, more in the way of Debian. This approach has is
merits, but I prefer the "Arch way", so I vote for dropping HP.

Actually Ghc is not the problem. Most packages in hackage are already
builded with ghc-7.2, but 7.2 is testing, so we should use 7.04. The
problem are the other packages: for example every update that depends upon *
text* failed because in HP (until some days ago) the version was too old.
In a couple of months this package will be too old again and will break
other packages, unless we update haskell packages twice a year.

IMHO, if cabal installs the latest available hackage, we sholud simply do
the same.

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