I'll be compiling it myself anyway but with this patch added:
... if there is an interest having the patch there.

I'm typically adding two more patches (but I can skip these for you if you
do not like it):
* add "breakTick" id to break point list and the information about ignored
  breakpoint; this is interesting when you want to find out which
  breakpoint was ignored; it is very dirty workaround for
  I did not have time to do a proper patch.
* I'm adding 0.1s delay when printing ghci prompt. Another dirty way to get
  proper interleaving of stderr/stdout when stderr is coloured using
  something like http://www.hck.sk/users/peter/pub/colorize.c
  I use it to get all stderr in red (stdout is default black), and still
  achieve proper interleaving of stderr text with stdout text.
  It is quite possible this patch is not needed any more but it was needed
  when haskeline was introduced the first time. I do not know why, ghci was
  the only thing which showed any issues.

I have 16GiB, so if the only problem is the memory, then I'll be quick.

Otherwise, I do not mind if you use ghc from [extra]. There is no special
 reason not to use [extra] version except extra maintainers can break
 our dependencies if they do unexpected recompile probably with some
 significant patches. Although every recompile can break dependencies,
 mostly it does not happen.
You can just place copy of the [extra] version in [haskell] and there
 should not be any problem at all since you would be in charge of any
 ghc update. We would mirror only the ghc package in [haskell].


On 06/15/2012 09:54 PM, Magnus Therning wrote:
I've been working on upgrading [haskell] to Ghc 7.4.2 for a few days
now.  So far no luck :(

The build always fails on creating documentation.  Yesterday I
resorted to taking the source package from [extra], which is known to
build fine... but still it failed on generating the docs.  I now
suspect this is due to the limited memory available on the machine I
use to build (1.5GB).

For the moment I've given up on building Ghc especially for use in
[haskell].  In order to move on I'll instead make use of Ghc out of
[extra].  If anyone has any objections to that, then please speak up.


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