I should also mention explicitly that we'd be very happy to help on this
mailing list and/or on the IRC channel.
Ask whatever questions you like, and eventually the results of this
discussion can be put on the wiki to make it easier to package things up in
the future.

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Ramana Kumar <ram...@member.fsf.org> wrote:

> Getting packages into arch-haskell just requires someone to put in the
> time and maintenance effort.
> There's a section at
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Haskell_package_guidelines on
> improving Arch Haskell.
> If you get familiar with cblrepo and start a haskell-snap repository, that
> would be the first step towards getting Snap into arch-haskell.
> You might want to build on Nicola's haskell-happstack repository (in case
> many of the dependencies are shared), or at least use it for inspiration.
> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Dawid Loubser <dawid.loub...@ibi.co.za>wrote:
>> Thanks for tha, Bárður!
>> It's a bit of a pity that I would have to duplicate many libraries
>> aready installed via arch-haskell / pacman with cabal natively (and I
>> agree, needs to be fully-isolated - I'll look into hsenv, thanks!).
>> I'm curious - I thought the goal of arch-haskell was to ultimately
>> contain all hackage packages. Snap is in hackage - what makes it
>> difficult to get into arch-haskell?
>> I am not trying to complain - just trying to establish the situation. I
>> am very new to the haskell world, but passionate about it beyond belief.
>> I am happy to help where I can.
>> kind regards,
>> Dawid Loubser
>> Op Di, 2013-10-08 om 19:43 +0200 skryf Bardur Arantsson:
>> > On 2013-10-08 11:54, Dawid Loubser wrote:
>> > > Hi all,
>> > >
>> > > I noticed that neither the snap, nor the yesod web frameworks are in
>> the
>> > > arch-haskell repo - is there a specific reason for this?
>> > >
>> > > What would you recommend is the best way to install and use snap?
>> > > (since it has been made clear that cabal is not a package manager, yet
>> > > snap recommends installing it via cabal... :-S )
>> > >
>> >
>> > Well, it's not *really* a package manager, but it seems to be growing in
>> > that direction... :)
>> >
>> > Anyway, any users of Snap are probably going to be developers, and I
>> > think it's pretty par for the course for developers to install libraries
>> > they're using from Hackage.
>> >
>> > I would recommend using "hsenv" for keeping per-project Cabal
>> > environments. (The new Cabal will have support for similar isolation,
>> > but I don't think it's really been released yet.)
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> > Bárður
>> >
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