On 2015-04-04 22:12 +0200
Magnus Therning wrote:

>I've just switched over haskell-core to include ghc 7.10.1.
>There are a few packages that didn't make it over due to incompatibilities with
>the new version of ghc:
>    cabal-file-th
>    cblrepo
>    cmdlib
>    edit-distance
>    FileManipCompat
>    ghc-mod
>    graphviz
>    hakyll
>    http-attoparsec
>    MonadCatchIO-mtl
>    nats
>    pandoc
>    pandoc-citeproc
>    shellish
>    taffybar
>    timezone-olson
>    timezone-series
>    xmonad
>    xmonad-contrib
>I'll try to get them re-added ASAP.

Hi Magnus,

I just wanted to say thanks again for the work that you put into maintaining
this repo.

What needs to be done to make pandoc work with ghc 7.10.1? Maybe I can help.

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