Barry Fishman <> writes:

> On 2016-03-04 13:41:59 +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
>> I'm fixing up a few things in the repos which means I have to take
>> them offline for a little while. They should be back up and working
>> within a diel I hope.
> Is "diel" a day?

"Diel" is a very useful word:

> Is it possible to do major updates the repos in for example:
>     ~haskell/core/$arch_new
> and then move the directories in place when ready?

Sure it would be. However, the machine hosting the repo is rather
limited (I've been asked to limit the storage I use in the past) so I
feel I can't really keep around two copies of the repos. Of course I
could use links to limit the used storage, but the repo handling is
already *very* manual, I'm not really keen on adding more manual steps.


Magnus Therning              OpenPGP: 0x927912051716CE39
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twitter: magthe     

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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